Leadership Development

Sabine Pelzmann advises executives and management teams. Following a needs analysis, she develops tailor-made in-house leadership development programmes. The content and topics are closely linked to her day-to-day organisational work. Social and professional skills are her main focus.

  • If you want to introduce a standardised leadership style in your company
  • If you want to increase the effectiveness of your managers
  • If you have reorganised your company and your managers are still unsure of their new leadership roles
  • If some employees are about to move into a (new) management position
  • If you are planning a merger
  • If you want to improve collaboration between several locations, business units or departments
  • If you want to outsource individual business units and introduce a new management system.



SABINE PELZMANN Integrative leadership and organizational development / Brandhofgasse 7 / 8010 Graz / Imprint / Contact / Terms and Conditions / Data protection